Sunday, May 20, 2007


another weekend is almost over
and here I sit wishing that
felt better.
But you know, God sometimes uses these

times in our lives to make us stop
and realize that
we are His children ~
and if we are His
we should take better care of His

How lazy sometimes I do get
and then I suffer for it.
I am a good cook ~ ~

without someone to cook for ~ ~
I do not always eat right at times,
because it is lonely
to eat alone.

On Mother's Day
a week ago
my oldest step-daughter
spent the weekend with me
and took me out for
a special dinner ~
and I ate about a half of it
and brought the rest home for my supper.

It was such a joy to have her here
I love her so much
I almost could almost bust.

A few days earlier my granddaughter
and her two daughters
plus a little one she takes care of stopped by for a visit
after school.
Loves it when they come to see me
the girls grow so fast that it is hard to realize how
fast time passes.

Oh what a blessing it is when family
are come around,
I not only eat better and
I do much better
and do not feel alone
or lonely
until after they are gone.

It is funny though
when I to stop and realize
I am never really alone.
If I am His child,
I don't need to feel alone ~
for He cares for me
more than life itself ~ ~
for He gave His ALL on Calvary's Tree
that I might not be alone or lonely.

"He is there all the time
He is there all the time
Waiting patiently in line
He is there all the time"

Yes, He is there all the time, how soon we forget
when we feel not just like we should
that all that we need to do
is call is Name
He is never too busy
He always has time to spend with us.

His line is never busy when we call
and we are never put on hold
or told to call another time.

Many times in the night
when I am awake
He talks to me and that warm
sweet spirit of His love
surrounds me
and one could spend hours with the Lord.
He can get one's attention at that hour.

I seem to be rambling on tonight
and my thoughts are at random
but He is there and that warmth
of His love surrounds me
as I write these words.

I pray that all who read this
will understand what I have
written, and know that
even when we are
feeling very alone
He comes and lifts us up
"For He is There ALL the Time."

Y'all have a good night and stop by often
don't be shy.

Most of all talk to Him often.
He longs to hear you call.
He is never to busy for you
and takes time
for each who call.

God bless

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3 Bullets

There once was a man who had nothing for his family to eat. He had an old rifle and three bullets.

So, he decided that he would go out hunting and kill some wild game for dinner.

As he went down the road, he saw a rabbit. He shot at the rabbit and missed it. The rabbit ran away.

Then he saw a squirrel and fired a shot at the squirrel, but missed it. The squirrel disappeared into a hole in a cottonwood treel.

As he went further, he saw a large, wild "Tom" turkey in the tree, but he had only one bullet remaining.

A voice spoke to him and said, "Pray first, aim high, and stay focused."

However, at the same time he saw a deer which was a better kill.

He brought the gun down and aimed at the deer. But, then he saw a rattlesnake between his legs, about to bite him, so he naturally brought the gun down further to shoot the rattlesnake.

Still, the voice said again to him, "I said, 'Pray, Aim high, and Stay focused."

So, the man decided to listen to God's voice.

He prayed, then aimed the gun high up in the tree, and shot the wild turkey.

The bullet bounced off the turkey and killed the deer.

The handle fell off the gun, hit the snake in the head, and killed it. And, when the gun had gone off, it knocked him into a pond.

When he stood up to look around, he had fish in all his pockets, a dead deer, and a turkey for his family to eat.

The snake, (Satan), was dead simply because the man listened to God.

Moral of the story:
Pray first before you do anything, aim and shoot high in your goals, and stay focused on God.

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Jesus, is our life, our Hope and Our Lord and Savior.
In Him do I trust. W/O Him I am lost and wondering around on this globe of existence without any life in me. W/Him, there is life, with Him there is Hope, with Him there is a place for me in heaven one day.


He shed those tears 4 U & I


"Our only Hope of Heaven".
He is the bright and morning star, the lily of the valley
our redeemer and forever friend.